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We are fortunate because all school meals are freshly cooked in school in our Clee View site kitchen, using local suppliers where possible and following healthy living guidelines.  A high percentage of pupils regularly have school meals.  All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 classes are entitled to a free school meal. In Key Stage 2, children are welcome to choose either a school meal or bring sandwiches on a daily basis.

You can view our current menu by clicking on this link: School Lunch Menu

Booking System

School meals are booked and paid for in advance. In order to have a school meal you must book and pay for your choice at the same time. If you have not booked / paid in advance your child will not have access to a meal and you must send them in with a packed lunch.

You will have until 8:30 am each school day to book your child’s meal.  After this time, please contact either school office by 9:30am otherwise a meal cannot be booked for on that day. You may choose to book and pay for dinners daily, weekly or termly in advance.

If your child is sick, on the first day of your child’s absence, please inform the school office by phone (preferably) or email and they will endeavour to cancel the lunch booking for you. You will need to cancel any further bookings yourself on Arbor.  

For full details of the pre-booking system please click on the relevant link below for instructions on how to logon to Arbor and book meals:


Fruit Break

We are a healthy eating school committed to encouraging our pupils to adopt a healthy lifestyle.  As part of this we encourage pupils to bring in a piece of fresh fruit and offer a short break for them to eat this each morning.  Please do not send in cereal bars or other processed foods. 

In Key Stage 1, children are provided with fresh fruit free of charge under the government funded School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. 


Children have access to water throughout the day and we encourage them to drink regularly.  Other drinks are only allowed with lunch.



From 13th  December 2014, the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulations came into force. These European Rules were enforced in the UK by the Food Information regulations 2014.

The EU lists 14 allergens that need to be identified if they are used as ingredients in a dish. This means that food business will now need to provide information about allergenic ingredients used in foods sold or provided by them.

All Cooks and Catering Managers have been trained in recent meetings about these changes and have been provided with an allergen manual to keep in the kitchen. Signage has also been provided to each kitchen for display at the service point requesting that anyone with an allergy or intolerance speaks to our staff before ordering.

Shropshire and Walsall Primary Schools

Please follow the link below to the Shire Services website which details the 4 week allergen matrix for primary schools. This matrix lists all primary dishes and identifies which dishes have any of the 14 allergens as ingredients.   We strongly recommend that any parents of pupils with allergies or intolerances still contact the school cook to arrange a meeting to discuss their specific requirements.

Focused to provide quality catering and cleaning services to our customers, in a safe and healthy environment - Shire Services

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