Our approach to behaviour management has always been to teach and encourage positive behaviour choices, supporting children’s self-esteem and developing positive relationships across all members of the school community. We will always initially give praise for children who model positive behaviours rather than focusing on unacceptable behaviour.
We hope that by encouraging positive behaviour patterns we can promote good relationships throughout the school built on trust and understanding, supporting all our children in developing a high level of individual and social responsibility.
The key aims of the school are to continue to promote excellent behaviours:
- To create a culture of exceptionally good behaviour: for learning and for life.
- To ensure that all learners are treated fairly, shown respect and to promote good relationships.
- To use “affective language” which encourages the learner to engage positively and understand the impact of their behaviour.
- To help learners take control over their behaviour and be responsible for the consequences of it.
- To build a community which values kindness, care, good relationships and empathy for others.
- To ensure that excellent behaviour is a minimum expectation for all.
The approach is simple:
Our School Rules: Ready, Respectful and Motivated
Ready – to learn. Respectful – to everyone. Motivated – to be the best they can be.
The Five Pillars of Practice Consistent, calm adult behaviour. First attention for best conduct. Relentless routines. Scripting difficult interventions. Restorative follow up. |
Consistency in Practice |
Consistent language
Between staff and learners, simple and clear expectations reflected in all conversations about behaviour. Ready, Respectful, Motivated |
Consistent follow up |
Ensuring ‘certainty’ in the classroom, and from all adults. |
Consistent positive reinforcement |
Routine procedures for reinforcing, encouraging and celebrating appropriate behaviour. |
Consistent consequences |
Defined, agreed and applied at the classroom level as well as established structures for more serious behaviours |
Consistently reinforced routines for behaviour around the school |
In classrooms, around the school and playground |
Rewards |
Recognition of good behaviour in a variety of different forms and are given by all members of our school staff. |
Name on the recognition board in the classroom. Do Jo points Silver wrist band/ Gold stickers A positive note Celebration assemblies Phone call home |
Stepped Sanctions |
Redirection |
Gentle encouragement, a ‘nudge’ in the right direction. |
Reminder |
A reminder of the expectations. Ready, Respectful, Motivated |
Warning |
Clear, Consistent, Fair |
Sanction |
Time out/Move room/Miss break |
Restorative Conversation |
Follow up with reflective conversation |
Individual Behaviour Plans |
Where a child requires additional support to self-regulate, a behaviour plan can be put in place. This will be created between the class teacher, parents or carers and SENCO/SLT, and other professionals if required |