Growth Mindset
The curriculum at Ludlow Primary School has four key drivers which underpin its content.
Each half term, we are going to focus on one of our curriculum drivers, raise its profile and celebrate our children who endeavour to improve in that area.
What do our children need to develop? What does a Growth Mindset look like?
- Positively responding to challenge with a ‘Can Do’ attitude.
- Failure is not seen as negative but something to learn from and a means of improving.
- Children see that their abilities can develop and improve over time.
- Children see the link between effort, determination, practice and success – that giving up is not the option and the more we practice, the better we become.
- Questions from the children deepen their understanding of methods and ideas.
How can parents help support this at home? What opportunities can be created outside of school?
- Regularly practise key skills such as times tables, reading and spelling – all children need to fluently recite their multiplication tables up to 12 by the end of Y4! Engage with the Spelling Shed activities and see if they can improve their speed or range of words. Alternatively, challenge your child to know all the spelling lists in the back of their reading log books.
- Play games – but don’t let them win! Losing and working out new strategies is part of developing a Growth Mindset!
- Recall facts or quizzes at the dinner table: capital cities, key events in history, spelling,
- Give new or difficult challenges e.g. build some IKEA furniture, plan a walking route, complete a difficult jigsaw, learn an instrument, football/catching skills, cookery, solve puzzles
When we see children displaying or applying a ‘Growth Mindset’, what do we do?
We celebrate with verbal praise and reward with a Growth Mindset sticker. Friday assembly will have a designated slot for certificates.