After-School Clubs
At Ludlow Primary School, we endeavour to offer a wide range of clubs to our pupils. Some of our clubs are provided by outside agencies but most are run by the teaching staff. At the beginning of each term, a letter informing parents of the clubs available for the term will be made available giving instructions on how to enrol. Places are often allocated on a first come/first served basis. However, we make every effort to ensure that any child who wishes to attend a club will be offered at least one club of their choice.
Clubs run till 4:15pm on our Clee View Site and till 4pm on our Sandpits Road site.
Please note that any children attending an after-school club on either site, will need to be collected by a parent/carer or a nominated adult. Please notify your class teacher of the name of the adult if they are not the parent/carer of the child.
As staff members are kindly giving up their time to run these clubs, so if there is an issue with your child's choice of behaviour in a club, then this will result in them being unable to attend any further clubs or sessions for the rest of the term.