We love Maths at Ludlow Primary School
Every classroom has a dedicated maths area where a wide range of maths resources are available and accessible for all children to use in order to help them understand new concepts and skills. Interactive whiteboards and iPads are also used throughout the maths curriculum to help make maths exciting and accessible to all.
In addition to our Maths lessons, daily Basic Skills sessions take place to enable our pupils to secure their fluency in arithmetic. We have a whole school calculation policy which ensures that all staff and children are consistent in their use of effective and efficient teaching and learning methods. This helps ensure a smooth transition from class to class. The Calculation Policy is available for parents so they can see how maths is taught at Ludlow Primary School. We make effective use of maths intervention strategies to target learners who might need additional support at times and also provide booster session opportunities, in order to challenge children to reach their highest potential.
Recommended reads for Early Years and Key Stage 1 Maths.
A selection of great counting books and maths stories covering cardinal and ordinal numbers and place value.
Recommended reads for Key Stage 2 Maths
Introduce ratio, pie charts, probability and even simplifying fractions to children with these brilliant maths story books, picture-book presentations of mathematical concepts that primary-school children will love.
Maths I.I.I Curriculum Statement
Maths Primary Progression Document
Times Tables practice - Mathsframe
Learning my Times Tables - Timestables.co.uk
Have a go at this on-line game to help you embed those vital maths facts. For Example Doubles and halves, number bonds, division facts and square numbers.
Follow this link and click 'play game' Hit the Button
Maths is all around us - If you want to engage your children more at home with their maths learning, then take a look at these top tips for both KS/1 and KS/2:
Use your log in to Purple Mash to access quizzes to check your knowledge. You need to select your year group then the unit of maths that you wish to test yourself on. Click on the image below: