At Ludlow Primary School we use Purple Mash to teach our Computing Curriculum.
We ensure that we are enabling children to explore and develop their programming skills. We offer children a safe environment to confidently discuss their coding creations and as well as ensuring they are able to express themselves and be creative in using digital media. We endeavour to ensure that children can apply their growing skills in computing to different challenges moving forward to enable them to be competent computer programmers of the future!
When teaching Computing lessons, we break our curriculum into 3 sections:
1. Digital Literacy (Online Safety)
These lessons are designed to teach children to use technology safely and responsibly.
2. Information Technologies (IT)
These lessons are designed to equip children with skills in typing, recording and presenting information in a variety of different ways (Microsoft Office, Email and App based).
3. Computer Science (Programming)
These lesson are designed to teach children how programs are designed and how they work 'behind the scenes'.
Recommended Computing Reads:
Useful Links:

Purple Mash
Useful Documents:
2023 -2024 Computing Whole School Overview
Computing Subject Knowledge and skills progression